Take Action
The Monterey County Democrats welcome all forms of support: financial, volunteer work, or any other type. You can join phone banks for candidates or causes, help out at the Center for Change, volunteer on committees, and much more. Click the link below to email our volunteer coordinator Elena Loomis.
Other volunteer opportunities:
- Phone Bank for Harris- Walz Campaign
- Take Local and Statewide Actions with the CA Democratic Party
- Text for Democrats
- Explore More Volunteer Opportunities
Your contributions at any level helps us reach more voters by sending mailers, hosting phone banks, putting on events, supporting canvassing efforts, and so much more! Please consider making a contribution.
In Monterey County, we know how important it is for all of us to make our vote count. If you’re registered already, great! If you haven’t yet registered, use this link to get useful information and to register online via the Monterey County Elections website.
Run for Office
Thinking of running for office? We want to meet you! Please contact us to let us know.
The Monterey County Elections Office offers a great overview of important nomination papers, official forms, and campaign deadlines.
Please take the time to review the information; it may answer many questions you have regarding the rules and guidelines for running for public office.
Elections Contact
The Candidate and Campaigns Program Manager, can assist you in understanding the general rules contained in this guide and will oversee the processing of your filing documents. Greta Arevalo can be reached at (831) 796-1478 or via email at [email protected]. To expedite your candidacy filing, I recommend you make an appointment in advance.
The Monterey County Elections Department is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may visit us at our office, on the web at www.montereycountyelections.us, or call us at (831) 796-1499.
Access to applicable state and local codes (Details various state regulations that govern elections at the state and local level): http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/
Fair Political Practices Commission (State Financial disclosure and filing requirements): www.fppc.ca.gov
Federal Election Commission (Federal financial reporting requirements): www.fec.gov
Monterey County Code (Describes local rules affecting local candidate activities): https://www.municode.com/library/ca/monterey _county/codes/code_of_ordinances

Give for Change
Your contributions at any level helps us reach more voters by sending mailers, hosting phone banks, putting on events, supporting canvassing efforts, and so much more! Please consider making a contribution.