California Democratic Council
The CDC is the official organization of grassroots Democratic clubs in California. CDC membership is open to any Democratic Club affiliated with its County Central Committee. Assembly District Committees and Democratic Central Committees are also eligible to send representatives. A bottom-up organization, CDC sets its policy by vote of delegates to its open Annual Convention and its State Board meetings. Members of CDC-affiliated clubs may join statewide e-mail discussion groups and are also invited to lobby the State Legislature during the annual Lobby Day. Visit the CDC website at
Democratic Clubs are the grassroots of the Democratic Party. They’re active in political issues, endorsing candidates and working on campaigns.There are clubs in different geographic areas of the county as well as clubs that are advocates for specific groups or issues. Most meet once a month and some publish a monthly newsletter.
Below is a list of active clubs with their contact information. Call the President/Chair to learn about meetings, membership, dues, and activities. Note that each club also has its own page, where you can view upcoming activities, and other types of information.
Democratic Women of Monterey County
The Democratic Women of Monterey County is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing opportunities for camaradarie and activism among Democratic men and women. We do this by hosting monthly speaker luncheons, fundraising events, and other political and social… learn more.
Democratic Club of the Monterey Peninsula
The Democratic Club of the Monterey Peninsula can trace its roots to 1925, when the Democratic Women’s Club became the first Democratic Club west of the Mississippi. In 1995, the Democratic Women’s Club merged with the Peninsula Democratic Club to become the DCMP… learn more.
Marina Democratic Club
The Marina Democratic Club would like to schedule meetings this year that would inform and activate Marina residents and reflect your top concerns. We’ve held a community presentation on a vision for downtown Marina, a meeting on… learn more.
Salinas Valley Democratic Club
Mission Statement
Under a charter from the Monterey County Democratic Central Committee, the Salinas Valley Democratic Club fosters and perpetuates the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party in our Community… learn more.
Progressive Democrats of Monterey
The Progressive Democrats of Monterey seek to build a Democratic party that prioritizes people and not corporations. We favor policies that promote peace and economic opportunity for all, while respecting civil and human rights as the foundation of a free and just… learn more.
Seaside Democratic Club
Contact Ian Oglesby @ 831-277-6379 or [email protected] for more on the SeaDems.
Salinas United Democratic Club
Contact Chris Barrera @ [email protected] for more on the Salinas United Democratic Club. We convene to promote the causes of social, racial, and economic justice, equity and equality, peace, stewardship of the environment, and elimination of corruption as necessary and achievable goals, welcoming the membership of individuals who are themselves dedicated to these concepts.
Pacific Grove Progressive Democratic Club

We Believe…
Democrats believe in people: poor and wealthy, old and young, woman and man, immigrant and American born. We believe that this is America's strength: that different people unite, working together for the good of each and for the good of all. We believe that government's role is to protect the people, and ensure justice, freedom and equal opportunity. And we believe that by standing firm on these values, California and America can reclaim our vision as a land of optimism and unity.