What We Stand For
At our core, Democrats believe in people: poor and wealthy, old and young, woman and man, immigrant and American born. We believe that this is America’s strength: that different people unite, working together for the good of each and for the good of all. We believe that government’s role is to protect the people, and ensure justice, freedom and equal opportunity. And we believe that by standing firm on these values, California and America can reclaim our vision as a land of optimism and unity. Our nation was built on the belief that hard-working Americans will be rewarded with economic prosperity. The working families of California deserve a government that supports their hard work and shares their hope for the future. Given the enduring values of California Democrats, we are committed to programs that safeguard and ensure:
- Smart, sustainable, safe, caring communities. We will reinvigorate the economy and reinvest in our communities to provide for the common good. We are committed to policies to stabilize energy costs and maximize alternative energy resources and conservation. We support the right for working Americans to organize and unionize to create better lives for their families. We will promote real tax relief for families and individuals and will work to reduce unemployment and create new jobs.
- Quality public education as a fundamental right. Democrats strive to extend opportunities and access to all by making California’s schools the best in the nation.
- Affordable healthcare for working families, and Social Security and Medicare for future generations. We vigorously support full access for people with disabilities. Democrats will protect family leave and health care benefits and safeguard the well-being of our families by supporting every person’s right to choose when and how to create a family.
- Fiscal common sense and responsibility on the part of our elected leaders. We will restore the confidence of the people in the integrity of their government.
- Real diplomacy as the foundation of our foreign policy. We strive for peace and stand strong in defense of our nation because we recognize the interdependence of all people. We will work for the swift and safe return of our troops in Iraq and provide our veterans with responsible health care and support on their return.
- The constitutional rights of all Americans. In any circumstances, including in times of war and while we challenge terrorism, we are mindful that we cannot prevail in any conflict in which we compromise our democratic principles.
- Protection from the terrible forces of discrimination and hate.
As Democrats, we will advocate for the enactment, continuance, and enforcement of civil rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity.
Who We Are
The Monterey County Democratic Central Committee is the elected body representing registered Democrats in Monterey County, and serves as the local presence of the California Democratic Party. The MCDCC holds monthly meetings every fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. They are preceded by social time with snacks and beverages. The meeting location alternates between the Seaside Center for Change (1238 Fremont Blvd, Seaside), and the Salinas Center for Change (931 East Market Street, Salinas). Meetings are open to the public.
All are welcome. Call 831-601-4564 for more information on upcoming meetings or check the calendar here for location details.
Ian N. Oglesby, Chair
P.O. Box 3024 Monterey, CA 93942
Tel (main): 831-288-2064
Executive Board
Chair: Ian N. Oglesby
1st Vice Chair: Cesar Lara
2nd Vice Chair: Elena Loomis
Secretary:: Mireya Gutierrez
Treasurer: Joe Macaluso
Development Officer: Pris Walton
California Democratic Party Reps: Allan Haffa and Elena Loomis
What is a Central Committee?
County Central Committees are the local governing body of the Democratic Party in their county. They are chartered by the State Democratic Party. Central Committees raise funds, plan election activities, and may open campaign headquarters. In addition, the Monterey County Democratic Central Committee (MCDCC) charters local Democratic Clubs with dues paying memberships of a minimum of 20 registered Democrats. Representatives to the MCDCC are elected every four years. Representation on the MCDCC is based on the number of registered Democrats within each County Supervisorial District and members must live in the Supervisorial District which they represent. Members can be local Democrats elected to the Committee, as well as partisan-level Democratic nominees or Democratic Elected Officials (ex-officio members) who live in the county.
All persons who disclose a preference for the Democratic Party on their voter registration card, pursuant to the laws of the State of California, are members of the California Democratic Party and are entitled to participate in the offical organization of the California Democratic Party as provided by the laws of the State and these By-Laws.
The Bylaws shall govern the organization, operation and functions of that political party known as the California Democratic Party (the Party).
This Committee shall elect state officers of the Party and members of the Democratic National Committee, shall adopt a State Party platform in gubernatorial years, shall conduct campaigns for the party and its candidates for public office, shall appoint committees and employ staff as deemed desireable, and shall conduct such other business as the policy and program of the Party may require.
This Committee may endorse in partisan primary elections and may take positions on ballot measures.

Give for Change
Your contributions at any level helps us reach more voters by sending mailers, hosting phone banks, putting on events, supporting canvassing efforts, and so much more! Please consider making a contribution.